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High Suction Regenerative Pumpset

High Suction Regenerative Pumpset comes with high discharge with less power consumption. Equipped with Thermal Overload Protector (TOP), these can preclude motor burning. Offered with metal protected double walled bearing, these demand no external lubrication. Chrome plated steel shaft these come with insure a long life that obviates rusting. Proffered with robust motor body, these have locked vane for improved and accordant performance. High Suction Regenerative Pumpset comes with inflexible handle for simple lifting and can stand firm in wide voltage fluctuations. The products insure water supply for hotels, hospitals, residential apartments, etc. Suited for minor irrigation needs, these deliver water circulation in all industries.
Product Image (HSRP 05)

High Suction Regenerative Pump

  • Max Suction:9 metres
  • Power:Electric Watt (w)
  • Theory:Centrifugal Pump
  • Inlet/Outlet:25 mm / 25 mm

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